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Whew…the long haul

It has been a crazy couple of months! June marked the release of The Tale of Telsharu, which has been garnering positive reviews from readers. In July, Valerie was busy fighting at the USA Taekwondo National Championships. August saw the birth of Sam’s beautiful daughter, the Stubbs’ third child. September was full of many small adventures (and sometimes mishaps), as well as the anniversary of Valerie’s birth.

We have also seen the completion of the first draft of “Buk Tu” (Book 2), the sequel to The Tale of Telsharu. This has been a tremendous effort, consuming a great deal of time, energy, and blogging-stamina. After taking a few weeks away from the book, we are now launching into full-scale revisions. After our overhaul, the manuscript will be handed over to our alpha, then beta readers. Following those reviews, many more revisions will follow before we at last hand the manuscript over to our editor–for further revisions.

Writing is not a walk in the park. Before being published, we thought we had a pretty good idea of what it takes to be an author. But there is far more involved than we previously imagined. There is a vast amount of painstaking effort that goes into the creation of a book of quality.

That said, writing is also the joy of our lives (well, one of many joys). Writing has become incredibly rewarding, as we have been sharing our work with readers. We are eager to work on Buk Tu, in the hopes that readers will enjoy this next installment as much as The Tale of Telsharu has been enjoyed. We look forward to sharing it with you–once we get past the mountain of revisions!

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